German Fetish Festival 2014


By the end of November, Germany’s FETISCH FILM FESTIVAL 2014 took place. Datum

These are the awards:

Best Film of the Year:

TOP GIRL or la déformation professionnelle

Best Actress:10864656_754155251336697_1830162730_o Julia Hummer in «TOP GIRL» or «La déformation professionnelle»

Best Actor: RP Kahl in «TOP GIRL» or «La déformation professionnelle»

Best Trans*-Performance:

Nicolas Maury in «You and the nigth»

Best Documentary Film: «FOLSOM FOREVER» Directed by Mike Skiff:

Best Song: «CIEL SI BLEU» by Jakob Ilja in «THE CHAMBERMAID LYNN»

Best Actor in a short Film:Sidebar-XC Cornelius Schwalm in «24/7»

Best long clip: «X CONFESSIONS Vol.1 » by Erika Lust


Best Music videos:

«JOHNNY GO» by Nikita

«SUPER FREAK» by Aline Queen

«WITHOUT YOU» by Lapalux

«WORK BITCH» by Britney Spears


For more information


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