Magic Leone #Attractionmethods


Al más puro estilo de » Hitch«, os presentamos a Magic Leone, entrenador de citas.

¿A qué te dedicas exactamente?

Soy un entrenador de citas. Ayudo a las personas a tener éxito en citas y en sus relaciones.

¿Cuánto tiempo llevas dedicándote a esto?

Desde hace 6 años.Magic

¿Enseñas a los hombres y las mujeres?

Sí, a ambos.

¿Qué diferencias encuentras?

Hay muchísimas diferencias. Lo primero es que ambos quieren lo mismo pero desde diferentas motivaciones y enfoques para llegar a su destino. La mayoría de los hombres y las mujeres quieren una persona con la que puedan conectar y con la que tener una relación fuerte.

Los hombres suelen querer estar en una posición de poder. Ellos quieren la habilidad de ser capaces de salir con una mujer que elijan en lugar de conformarse con uno que esté disponible. Las mujeres quieren la misma relación sólida y confiable, pero no saben cómo encontrar y conectarse con el tipo de hombre que hará que se sientan satisfechas.

He leído una entrevista en la que dices: «He estado pensando acerca de la contribución que hacen los peluqueros a la autoestima de sus clientes y lo poco que se nota. Con ellos se puede hablar de la vida privada, aumentar la confianza y hacen que te sientas bien contigo mismo” y me ha encantado, porque podríamos decir lo mismo de los camareros en España, que escuchan tus penas y además, te dan de beber.

magic-workshopTambién eres un poeta, ganaste un premio internacional por un poema romántico que escribiste en 2001. ¿Crees que ser un artista es importante para la seducción?

En realidad no. No hay un tipo de personalidad o estilo de vida que es atractivo para las mujeres. Las mujeres se sienten atraídas por los hombres por muchos rasgos diferentes y viceversa. Cuando enseño a mis clientes trato de diagnosticar que rasgos son naturales en ellos y cuál es su estilo de vida por defecto. Es entonces cuando puedo sugerir una modificación en su estrategia y comportamiento al interactuar con las mujeres.

Si tuvieras que dar un consejo a nuestros lectores, ¿qué sería?

La vida es demasiado corta para esperar. La vida es hermosa cuando se tiene una hermosa compañera. Cada día que gastas es un día menos de amor y felicidad que experimentas. Levántate, sal y toma medidas. Os prometo que tendréis éxito si haces un esfuerzo sincero.In the pure style of “Hitch”, we presents to you Magic Leone, Dating coach.

What do you do?

I am a dating coach. I help individuals succeed at dating and relationship.

How long have you been providing this training?

I have been teaching for 6 years now.

Do you teach both men and women?

Yes, I teach both men and women.Magic

What differences do you find?

There is a world of difference. First they both want the same thing but they have different motivations and approach to reach their destination. Most men and women want that one person they can connect and have strong relationship with. For men they want to be in a position of power. They want the ability to be able to date the woman of choice as opposed to settling for one that is available. For women they want the same strong and dependable relationship but don’t know how to find and connect with the type of man that will make them feel fulfilled and satisfied.

I gather you’re working with teenagers and that you think these skills will help them to enter and manage a healthy and happy relationship. In a country like the U.S.A. where sex education is prohibited to minors, how do you handle it?

Currently we only teach clients who are above 21, some above 18. I personally feel sex education, relationship stereotypes, dealing with emotions, handling gender differences is lacking in the American education system. All the information out there is either politically correct or very little for namesake. There needs to be real education at an early age so men and women grow up being comfortable with one another and find ease in dealing with relationship matters. I believe majority of men and women would make different choices in life in terms of career, jobs and lifestyle if they felt more secure in their ability to have great relationships. Most consumerism in todays age is promoted on the fact of dysfunctional relationship lifestyle. Every product is marketed to appeal to this emotion. An example would be beer or car commercials which suggest to men, their prime target market, that a particular beer or car is the key to getting attractive women in life. All of this can change if we have men and women who feel confident in their ability to attract partners.

I have read an interview in which you say:  «I have been thinking about the contribution towards that hairstylists make the self -esteem of their clients and how they are under-appreciated for doing this. They do not only look good but also make clients discuss private life, boost confidence and make them feel good about themselves. This itself is a very valuable service in my opinion“. And I loved it, because in my experience I could say the same about the waiters in Spain.


magic-workshopAlso you are a poet, and you won an international award for a romantic poem you wrote in 2001. Do you think being an artist is important for seduction?

Not really. There is no one personality type or lifestyle that is attractive to women. Women are drawn to men for many different traits and vice versa. When I teach clients I try to diagnose who they naturally are, what their default lifestyle is like then suggest a strategy and behaviour modification while interacting with women. The idea is to use their natural strength and present in a manner that is attractive to the opposite sex.

Can you tell some stories about your work?

I have hundreds of stories. I had a client who was physically handicapped. His disability prevented him from standing for more than 5 minutes. He would stumble and fall if tried to stand for a long time. When I first met him I could tell that his disability had gotten the best of him. He thougth he is not attractive because of this shortcoming. I also observed that his friends used to call him handicapped as a joke and he had accepted this frame. The first thing I did was to attack his insecurity. I did few mental exercises to lead him out of this state. At one point during the workshop he fell down and everyone rushed to pick him up. I stopped them. One of my students was very offended that I had no sympathy for a handicapped guy and I didn’t. My response to him and everyone else was that I have no sympathy for this guy because he is strong and capable of taking care of himself. His fall is no different than yours. Many men and women have severe emotional handicap that is not visible. My intention was for him to know that he is no less than anyone and can take care of himself. His interactions with women completely changed as a result of his changed belief system. Within one week of training he had a threesome with two women and few weeks later met a woman who left her long time partner to be with this client. So once a handicap man has now become irresistible to women.

If you had to give advice to our readers, what would it be?

Life is too short to wait. Life is beautiful when you have a beautiful companion. Every day you waste is one less day of love and happiness you experience. Get up, get out and take action. I promise you will succeed if you make a sincere effort.


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